History of Flying L PUD
Flying L Public Utility District was established as a conservation and reclamation district under Article XVI Section 59, by the 62nd Legislature-Regular Session, Chapter 505, H.B. No 1140. Approved and Effective May 29, 1971.
It consists of 2 wells, the first well #1 to the left and well #2 shown on top. Also above are the storage tanks, pressure pumps and electrical control panels.
Flying L Sewage
Flying L PUD offers sewage service to about half of the residents living in the front part of the ranch. Other residents are on a septic system installed and serviced by the home owner.
To the right is a picture of the sewage treatment plant. There are 3 lift stations to pump the sewage to the treatment plant.
Trash Service
Flying L PUD provides dumpsters centrally located at the PUD office at 281 Stone Crest for the convenience of residents of our community.